Implementing the United Nations Global Compact on Refugees?

Implementing the United Nations Global Compact on Refugees?

Policy Brief
October 2023

Seven years after the Statement between the European Union and Türkiye on the admission and return of Syrians arriving in Greece, the EU, Türkiye and Greece are still negotiating how to renew their cooperation on migration. The Statement continues to serve as a blueprint, despite the fact that the cooperation framework with Türkiye only existed for a brief moment…

No Turning Back: Greece andthe EU–Turkey Statement Seven Years On

No Turning Back: Greece andthe EU–Turkey Statement Seven Years On

Policy Brief
October 2023

Seven years after the Statement between the European Union and Türkiye on the admission and return of Syrians arriving in Greece, the EU, Türkiye and Greece are still negotiating how to renew their cooperation on migration. The Statement continues to serve as a blueprint, despite the fact that the cooperation framework with Türkiye only existed for a brief moment…

Asylum and Social Inclusion of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Immigrants in Brazil

Asylum and Social Inclusion of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Immigrants in Brazil

Policy Brief
October 2023

As a major global actor, the EU and its member states have a pivotal role to play in contributing to addressing the global challenge of forced displacement. They are significant contributors when it comes to supporting refugee hosting states in coping with the task of hosting large populations of refugees and displaced persons through financial and technical assistance …

The protection elsewhere approach 

The protection elsewhere approach 

20 March 2024
Danish Refugee Council’s office, Copenhagen

The event will take point of departure in recent ASILE research findings on the fundamental challenges of the EU’s extraterritorial asylum and migration policy and principles of responsibility attribution in complex multi-actor migration management contexts.

Interview with Syed Hasnain (UNIRE)

Interview with Syed Hasnain (UNIRE)

December 2022

At the margins of the Global Refugee Forum 2023, we had the possibility to interview Syed Hasnain (Italian National Union of Refugees and Exiles (UNIRE) and Member of the Network for Refugee Voices and the European Coalition of Migrants and Refugees).

ASILE Conference Geneva

ASILE Conference Geneva

This last December 12, 2023, Geneva became the epicenter of EU asylum governance with the Global Refugee Forum. During the Forum, CEPS, the Danish Refugee Council and the Global Refugee-led Network hosted a public linked event, in a hybrid format, assessing the EU External Cooperation on Asylum in light of the UN Global Compact on Refugees.

Responsibility Allocation and UN GCR Implementation

Responsibility Allocation and UN GCR Implementation

December 2023

The effectiveness of the UN Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) depends on increased cooperation among various parties for the protection of refugees. One interest the EU pursues through its collaboration with third states such as Turkey, Tunisia, Serbia and Niger, and with international organisations such as UNHCR and IOM, is that of collectivised migration control…

Shortcomings in EU Cooperation for Externalization of Asylum

Shortcomings in EU Cooperation for Externalization of Asylum

Policy Brief
November 2023

This Policy Brief addresses European Union (EU) support for asylum systems in selected third countries – i.e. Niger, Serbia, Tunisia and Türkiye – through a range of instruments including technical means (advice, training, capacity building), operational assistance (such as Frontex operations in non-EU countries) as well as financial support for refugee status determination, refugee reception, migration and border management.

EU Third Country Arrangements

EU Third Country Arrangements

New Publication
March 2023

The paper identifies specific forms of EU cooperation with selected third countries that give rise to questions of compatibility with binding norms of international, European and EU law.

Asylum for Containment

Asylum for Containment

March 2023

This report synthesises four country studies concerning European political, legal and financial instruments in the field of Asylum and Migration in Niger, Serbia,
Tunisia and Turkey.
This Report is available in English and in French.

Temporary Protection for Refugees: The Case of Zimbabwe

Temporary Protection for Refugees: The Case of Zimbabwe

ASILE Annual Conference_Events
25 January 2023
Cape Town

On the occasion of the third ASILE Annual Meeting, our partner UCT organized a public event and a Task Force looking at the Temporary Protection of Zimbabwean Refugees.

Policing Search and Rescue NGOs in the Mediterranean

Policing Search and Rescue NGOs in the Mediterranean

February 2023

The policing of NGOs and human rights defenders providing humanitarian assistance to asylum seekers and immigrants, as well as search and rescue (SAR) in the Mediterranean has reached a new low due to the current far-right Italian government.

Webinar – The fate of Ukranian refugees

Webinar – The fate of Ukranian refugees

1 March 2023 - 08h15-09h15 (CET)
Via Zoom

This session examines the key implementation issues and open questions regarding the activation of the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) to respond to refugees’ fleeing the war in Ukraine.

Policy drivers on the Global Compact on Refugees in Serbia

Policy drivers on the Global Compact on Refugees in Serbia

New Publication
3 November 2022

Using a lens of “political responsibility” for policies, this paper studies domestic and international policy actors, and their roles and interests for explaining policies relevant to the GCR in the Republic of Serbia since 2018.

The Declaration on a Voluntary Solidarity Mechanism and EU Asylum Policy

The Declaration on a Voluntary Solidarity Mechanism and EU Asylum Policy

Forum Contribution on EU Temporary Protection Responses to the Ukraine War and the Future of the EU Asylum System
7 October 2022

Closing paper contribution to the Forum on EU Temporary Protection Responses to the Ukraine War and the Future of the EU Asylum System by Sergio Carrera & Roberto Cortinovis

Containing and controlling mobility in Canada and the EU

Containing and controlling mobility in Canada and the EU

ASILE Regional Workshop Canada
7 September

This Regional Workshop will gather academics, civil society representatives and other key stakeholders to comparatively address a set of relevant policy and legal developments related to refugee protection and solutions in Canada and the European Union.

ASILE paper on Refugee Recognition and Resettlement

ASILE paper on Refugee Recognition and Resettlement

New Publication
May 2022

This working paper explores refugee recognition processes, in particular refugee status determination (RSD), and resettlement processes, with the aim of opening up new lines of scholarly and policy enquiry.

The Right of Asylum in Comparative Regional Perspectives

The Right of Asylum in Comparative Regional Perspectives

New ASILE publication
May 2022

This working paper provides an account of regional standards on the right of asylum, with a focus on protection systems in Europe, the Americas and Africa – the three regions with binding regional and sub-regional protection regimes.

Temporary Protection for People Fleeing War in Ukraine

Temporary Protection for People Fleeing War in Ukraine

5 May 2022

ASILE, PROTECT & VULNER projects joint forces in a Webinar to discuss the EU responses to people fleeing war in Ukraine, including the implementation challenges and the way forward for the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

New ASILE Forum Discussion

New ASILE Forum Discussion

New Forum Discussions on EU Temporary Protection Responses to the Ukraine War and the Future of the EU Asylum System
April 2022

The second ASILE Forum assesses the responses of the EU and the Member States to the forced displacement from Ukraine and activation of the Temporary Protection Directive 2001/55/EC in Europe.

New Working Papers Series

New Working Papers Series

Working Paper Series
11 March 2022

From the first ASILE Virtual Training School that took place from 14-17 September 2021, you can now download the selected papers from the participating students.

Between politics and inconvenient evidence

Between politics and inconvenient evidence

10 December 2021

Following the European Commission’s recent release of its Renewed EU Action Plan Against Migrant Smuggling (2021-2025), the authors take stock of key insights arising from recent and ongoing research on the facilitation of irregular migration.

Implementing the united nations global compact on refugees?

Implementing the united nations global compact on refugees?

Policy Brief
June 2021

This Policy Brief presents the preliminary findings and policy recommendations emerging from the first 18 months of the ASILE H2020 project (Global Asylum Governance and the EU’s Role). It provides an analysis of asylum governance instruments that have been portrayed as ‘promising practices’ in countries like Brazil, Canada, Jordan, South Africa as well as in the EU.

Community Sponsorship in Europe

Community Sponsorship in Europe

Relevant Publication
April 2021

This article explores the recent emergence of community sponsorship of refugees in Europe, an approach which shares responsibility between civil society and the state for the admission and/or integration of refugees.

Check our Country Fiches

Check our Country Fiches

Country Fiches
March 2021

The Country Fiches examine and provide evidence on country-specific instruments, their material and personal scope. You will find a total of six Country Fiches: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Jordan, South Africa and Turkey.

Pushbacks and lack of accountability at the Greek-Turkish borders

Pushbacks and lack of accountability at the Greek-Turkish borders

New Publication
February 2021

Check our new Publication on ‘Pushbacks and lack of accountability at the Greek-Turkish borders’ by Dr. Roberto Cortinovis (CEPS). This paper analyses the negative impact of this heavily securitised approach on asylum seekers’ fundamental rights, in particular its implications for the right to asylum that underpins the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

Unpacking EU Asylum Policy in light of The UN Global Compact on Refugees

Unpacking EU Asylum Policy in light of The UN Global Compact on Refugees

Virtual academic conference
19 January 2021, 15:15-16:45 CET
via Zoom

ASILE organized a Europe session at the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the UNHCR. This Session assessed the most recent developments in EU Asylum Policy from the perspective of their impacts on the UN GCR core guiding principles: international refugee protection and human rights.
Watch it now in YouTube.

Border Procedure: Efficient Examination or Restricted Access to Protection?

Border Procedure: Efficient Examination or Restricted Access to Protection?

Related Publication
18 December 2020

This blogpost focus on the two proposals for a Screening Regulation and for an Asylum Procedure Regulation from the European Commission that must be seen in conjunction, these procedural devices should be considered in the light of the proposed pre-entry screening.

Policy Meeting on The EU and the UN Global Compact on Refugees

Policy Meeting on The EU and the UN Global Compact on Refugees

Policy Meeting
6 March 2020
The Egg, 175 Rue Bara, Brussels, Belgium

The Policy Meeting offers the opportunity to debate with policy makers about the role that the EU should play in ensuring EU member state government contributions in implementing the GCR.

ASILE Kick-off Meeting

ASILE Kick-off Meeting

30-31 January 2020
CEPS, 1 Place du Congrès, Brussels, Belgium

During the 30-31 January, the ASILE partners gathered together at the CEPS premises in Brussels in order to present and debate on the work plan of the project as well as the timeline of the tasks.

Introducing the ASILE project

Introducing the ASILE project

April 2020

In this video the ASILE Project Coordinator, Prof. Carrera, together with Ms Pavey (UNHCR) introduce the ASILE project giving an overview on the main objectives of the project and the role of UNHCR.

ASILE Kick-off Meeting

ASILE Kick-off Meeting

January 2020

During the 30-31 January, the ASILE partners gathered together in Brussels to present and debate on the work plan of the project as well as the timeline of the tasks.