The European Union’s response to the refugee situation in Afghanistan

17 September (13:00-14:30 CET)
via Zoom

This webinar aims to examine the main policy responses of the European Union to the challenges experienced by refugees and people looking for international protection from Afghanistan.

The event will interrogate the EU’s role and the kinds of contributions that can be expected in light of the proposals outlined by the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, as well as current responses from EU Member States and Ministries of Interior.

The discussion will also assess to what extent the Union’s current response has reflected the call for international solidarity and other political commitments for facilitating legal pathways for refugees as envisaged in the UN Global Compact on Refugees and the next UN Global Refugee Forum.

The UN GCR calls for more equitable and effective arrangements for responsibility sharing. It states that it is to be grounded in international refugee protection and international human rights instruments. The UN GCR places protection as an overall guide of application.

The policy webinar brings together a group of high–level and long-standing policy makers and experts from EU institutions and agencies, international organisations and civil society, with a group of students and young researchers who will be acting as Discussants.

The event falls within the scope of the first ASILE H2020 Project Training School, which is jointly organised by CEPS and the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence.


Sergio Carrera

Senior Research Fellow and Head of JHA Unit, CEPS


Juan Fernando López Aguilar

MEP, European Parliament 

Johannes Luchner

Deputy Director-General DG HOME, European Commission

Madeline Garlick

Chief of the Protection Policy and Legal Advice Section in the Division of International Protection, UNHCR

Cecilia Vejby Andersen

Head of Unit, Danish Refugee Council – DRC

Tamas Molnar

Programme Officer , Legal Research Research & Data Unit, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights – FRA


Eleonora Milazzo

Research Associate, EUSOL – Solidarity in the European Union, King’s College London) 

Shaddin Almasri

PhD Candidate, Danube University Krems 

Valentina Marconi

PhD Candidate, University of Urbino Carlo Bo 

Event details

Date: 17.09.2021, Friday

Time: 13:00 – 14:30

More information at: