This video presents the main findings and lessons learned during the project. Don’t miss it!
Interview with Zakira Hekmat (ARSA)
At the margins of the Global Refugee Forum 2023, we had the possibility to interview Syed Hasnain (Italian National Union of Refugees and Exiles (UNIRE) and Member of the Network for Refugee Voices and the European Coalition of Migrants and Refugees).
Interview with Syed Hasnain (UNIRE)
At the margins of the Global Refugee Forum 2023, we had the possibility to interview Syed Hasnain (Italian National Union of Refugees and Exiles (UNIRE) and Member of the Network for Refugee Voices and the European Coalition of Migrants and Refugees).
ASILE Conference Geneva
This last December 12, 2023, Geneva became the epicenter of EU asylum governance with the Global Refugee Forum. During the Forum, CEPS, the Danish Refugee Council and the Global Refugee-led Network hosted a public linked event, in a hybrid format, assessing the EU External Cooperation on Asylum in light of the UN Global Compact on Refugees.
Interview with Solveig Als (DRC)
Learn more about ASILE and its work, now that the project has reached its mid-term phase.
Asylum Governance Instruments in Canada, Brazil, South Africa and Turkey – with Sergio Carrera
Watch our explanatory video with Sergio Carrera discussing the key findings of this research.
ASILE Mid-Term Findings
Learn more about ASILE and its work, now that the project has reached its mid-term phase.
Interviewing Prof. Thomas Spijkerboer on International and regional human rights and refugee law standards
Prof. Spijkerboer presents the research that will be conducted on the current EU arrangements with third countries of origin and transit of persons seeking international protection.
Interviewing Prof. Jens Vedsted-Hansen on International and regional human rights and refugee law standards
Prof. Vedsted-Hansen talks about the importance to examine the existing international and regional human rights and refugee law standards.
Interviewing Prof. Gregor Noll on Actors Networks and Responsibility Attribution
Prof. Noll presents the main lines of their work within the project on the examination of the field of actors and stakeholders involved in the policy design and implementation of asylum policy and legal instruments and arrangements and the UN GCR.
Interviewing Prof. Andrew Geddes on Asylum Governance Instruments and Actors
Prof. Geddes introduces the work and background research that will be conducted within the ASILE project within the first phase.
Introducing the ASILE project
In this video the ASILE Project Coordinator, Prof. Carrera, together with Ms Pavey (UNHCR) introduce the ASILE project giving an overview on the main objectives of the project and the role of UNHCR.